Monday, August 28, 2006


(1)The loftiest towers rise from the ground.
-Chinese proverb

(2)It requires a great deal of boldness and
a great deal of caution to make a great
fortune, and when you have got it, it
requires ten times as much wit to keep it.

(3)Like it or not,there is such a thing as
-Paul Getty

(4)We put too much faith in systems,and look
too little to men.

(5)It is idle to talk against representative
government or for it. All government is
representative government until it begins
to decay. Unfortunately(as is also evident)
all government begins to decay the instant
it begins to govern.All aristocrates were
first meant as envoys of democracy; and
most envoys of democracy lose no time in
becoming aristocrates.

(6)Revenge is a boomerang.
-A Proverb

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